This is a video we made in order to get feedback after users watched our opening sequence. We thought, by making a video we would get a better analysis on our opening sequence. We were also able to “wire frame” the footage enabling us to fit it in what was being said.
We choose to select people that reflected our target audience, which was 15+. This allowed us to gain feedback from a range of users from different ethnicities. As we didn’t make a film poster to promote our film, we could send out film to TV companies so they can review our sequence on their show. This will allow viewers to watch our opening for free and give us feedback.
You can see that from the feedback given from the first male was very good. He said that our sequence was scary, which was exactly what we wanted it to be. This was because of our character being “unknown”. This idea was based on our results from our questionnaire. Also as we wanted the thriller opening to build anxiety and tension, we thought we could do this by the making the lighting much darker. This was, again successful in the outcome we wanted it to have as from our feedback given in the video the male said it added this affects. This was said by all 4 interviewees that we interviewed making our sequence exactly what we wanted it to be, in terms of how it made the audience feel. Furthermore the second female said that the close up used added to the tension. This was a good relief as this was the main idea (using close-ups to attract the viewer).
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